Register Return

Dear customers,
These few steps will take you to a successful return:
  1. Check the return policy : Make sure you can return the items and pay attention to conditions such as deadlines and the condition of the items.

  2. Contact Customer Service : Ask for the return address and inform Customer Service of the items you wish to return and why.

  3. Document the defective goods : If the goods are damaged or non-functional upon arrival, document this with pictures and/or videos. Send this documentation by email to email:

  4. Pack the items : Pack the items securely and, if possible, enclose the order confirmation. This helps the merchant process your return faster and more accurately.

  5. Send the return : Send the items back. Return postage is not normally included and must be covered by you unless the item is damaged or defective.

By following these steps and adding the order confirmation, you can ensure your returns process goes smoothly and that your refund or exchange can be processed quickly and accurately.

We are at your disposal for further questions.